Friday, November 12, 2010

NBA Preview 2010-11

NBA 2010-2011 Preview

Here we are again, on the verge of another NBA season. For the first time in years, I am absolutely giddy to watch the NBA because of Lebron James and “The Decision,” and Craig Sager's ridiculous wardrobe choices (a Sager Suit Face off for your veiwing pleasure)

Nonetheless, I cannot remember a time when there was more excitement going into an NBA season, especially before the season even started. I suppose we have Lebron's “All eyes on me, kids there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, I'm going to crush the hopes of an entire fan base and city with my ego” summer to thank for that.

And after all, it's been years since fans have had a common enemy to root against. The last one in memory was the Bad Boys in the 80s. For the past few years, people have hated different teams for different reasons. Whether it was for the team's image -- the Portland Jailblazers, Iverson's thugged-out 76ers squads, the Knicks' band of merry thugs (Sprewell, Mason, L.J., Marcus Camby) -- or just players like Kobe Bryant, Rasheed Wallace, Ron Artest to name a few. NBA fans have not had a common enemy. This year is different; every fan will cheer for any team playing against the Heat. We will rue their wins and cheer gleefully when they lose. We will mock Lebron every moment we can, with every commercial he does and every pseudo apology he tries to make because honestly it's way too late to apologize.

I'm excited not only because for the first time in a long time there is a true team to hate, but also because the NBA is competitive again. The league is no longer watered down, making a regular season pointless for fans. Top that off with the fact the word rivalry has reappeared in the NBA lexicon (thanks to Boston Celtics and LA Lakers of 2010) and you have a season I cant wait to watch.

Teams have stopped giving love to each other. Players have shown they have a distaste for the other team or the city (Johkim Noah's vacation to Cleveland ). Bulletin board material is no longer an issue. If you hate the team, you just come out with it and then let your play back you up. That’s why we have seen some of the best playoff matches in years. Politically correct is going out the window and fans are witnessing a resurgence of tough, hard-nosed players who care more about championships than money.
With that in mind, let me introduce you to my 5 part 2010-2011 NBA Season Preview.