Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lakers v. Hornets: Game 1 Wrap-up and Game 2 Preview

If you haven't already read the Knicks-Celtics recap, I'll reiterate my excuse for not getting the recap up sooner. Traveling for little brother's bachelor party, got back late Sunday, missed most of the game, fell asleep early, then did taxes Monday. Depression set in, no Game 1 recap.

Excuse done.

Now, on to the Game 1 recap. Ready?

Hornets played virtually perfect behind a huge performance from Chris Paul, decimating Derek Fisher and Pau Gasol for more points than I care to recall. Lakers played about average.

Gasol played like the White Swan instead of the black one and the Lakers sorely missed bench players Steve Blake and Matt Barnes. Blake was out with the chicken pox, while Barnes only played eight minutes due to a previous injury. Lakers fans fall into a deep depression, others gave up, and that should just about cover it. Lakers lose Game 1.

Let's move on, shall we.

The Lakers come into Game 2 with one major problem on their collective minds: How do we stop Chris Paul?

True, Paul has played as if he were injured at times this season. But there was no indication of that April 17, as he simply dismantled anyone the Lakers threw at him. The Lakers have had two days to put together some type of plan to limit Paul's effect on the game. One factor that should help is the return of Blake, who will provide some solid relief for the aging Fisher and maybe, with some luck, give Paul the chicken pox in the process.

Another possible matchup could be the athletic Shannon Brown. If anyone on the Lakers is capable of keeping up with Paul defensively it will be him. The question will be if they can get him to play solid and tenacious defense on Paul without taking chances and overplaying the All-Star guard.

But even after seeing the Lakers' taste defeat at the hands of CP3, there is no reason to believe the Lakers are not favored in this game. Gasol played horribly in Game 1, only posting totals of 8 points on 2-of-9 shooting and 6 rebounds. Lamar Odom also had a similar slump in the rebound column, where he only pulled in 1 rebound.

Premier players like Gasol and Odom don't have these type of games often, especially on the same night. It's even more rare to see it happen in back-to-back games. In turn, two Hornets players had season highs in Game 1 in points and shooting percentage. Aaron Grey had 12 points and Jarrett Jack shot 83 percent from the field.

Don't look for a repeat performance from the Hornets. Grey is listed for doubtful for Game 2, and it is highly unlikely the Hornets will maintain the insane shooting efficiency we saw in Game 1. Look for Gasol to step up and be more aggressive in getting the ball and in the paint. Also, look for Odom to get a little more involved in both the offense and on the boards, making sure he is a factor in this game.

Paul will try to attack the pick-and-roll like he did in the first game, but the Lakers will make adjustments and use their size to keep all the Hornet's role players from doing damage while Paul tries his best to keep the Hornets afloat.

The Hornets managed to play out of their minds in Game 1. And while I'm not saying they can't do it in Game 2, teams don't permanently become another team overnight. They have flashes of brilliance at times and they have times where they can't get the ship going. Though it would be insane to think the Hornets turned into the Lakers overnight while the Lakers turned into the Timberwolves.

Expect the Hornets to come out firing early because they know they have a punchers chance with Paul at the helm. But Paul is only a right hook, and without a solid and consistent uppercut on the team to assist him, this team is only capable of winning Round 1 with some luck. Expect the score to stay close, and as soon as the Hornets get tired of punching, midway through the third quarter, expect the Lakers to come off the ropes and throttle the Hornets like they don't belong in this fight at all, which they don't.

For the Lakers, the four-game sweep starts now.