Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Revenge, Superstition, and Atonment Are On The Line For The Mavericks

MIAMI -- There is a lot on the line starting tonight, and the Dallas Mavericks know it.

Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry are still feeling the sting from 2006. It was a title run with the Mavericks in the driver's seat, until the Miami Heat came back from a 2-0 deficit to win the title. But the true sting of it was the controversy that followed it. There were enough one-sided bad calls on behalf of the Heat to make even diehard anti-conspiracy theorists, such as Mike Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser, question the validity of the title.

Then add all the hopes and dreams of the basketball purist that ride on the shoulders of the Mavericks, a burden they inherited from the Chicago Bulls and their collapse against the Heat. Knowing the majority of America is in your corner is a great thing, but its also pressure -- a lot of pressure -- either to crack under or to motivate you.

Dallas seems ready for that pressure and so does Miami. Both have overcome pretty big teams to get to the championship and done it in grand fashion. Dallas finished off the Lakers in a four-game sweep, denying the champs a shot at a three-peat. The Heat made quick work of the Boston Celtics, winning the series in five games and denying them a shot at a second-straight Finals appearance.

Dallas seems to have the advantage on paper. They are two deep at every position and have been shooting lights out since the playoffs started. The Mavericks have also directed their focus on defense and managed to ratchet up the defensive intensity with every team they played. And, of course, let's not forget the German, quite possibly the most unguardable player in the NBA today. His numbers have been Hall of Fame-worthy in the 2011 playoffs.

Miami, on the other hand, has deficiencies on their bench. But what they lack in depth, they make up for with their stars: LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. It's a three-headed monster that at times can be absolutely devastating, accumulating massive amounts of points in quick periods of time. Miami is also sporting one of the best defenses in the league and has overcome all odds to make it to the Finals.

Regardless of the turnout of this series, one thing is for sure, you will be tuned in to witness, you will watch intently to see if LeBron can overcome all his haters, self-inflicted of course. You will watch to see if Dirk can solidify his legacy and his place among the all-time greats. You will watch just because you know, no matter the outcome, you will have witnessed something great.