Monday, August 1, 2011

Bring Back Our Sonics!

Are you still as bitter as I am that the fan's most beloved franchise in Seattle was ripped away from them? Are you on the Bill Simmons' boat, refusing to refer to Oklahoma City as anything but a city and referring to the team as the Zombie Sonics? If you saw Clay Bennett broken down on the side of the highway, would you drive away, flashing him the finger as you wiz past?

Then here is just the marketing tool you need to show your support. This T-shirt, made by Homers Apparel Co., is available in ranging sizes and comes with a copy of the award-winning documentary, Sonicsgate: Requiem for a Team.

Clay Bennett moved the team on April 18, 2008 to much displeasure from fans. A 28-2 vote by the NBA board of governors was all it took to move the franchise from its still-successful location in Seattle to Oklahoma City. 

In addition to supporting the team with cotton PDA, buyers also support the organization Sonicsgate, fighting to bring the Sonics back to Washington; $5 from every T-shirt purchase goes to the organization.

Become a fan of Homers Apparel Co. on Facebook.


Jacob said...

I want this shirt